Happy Birthday to Me. I'm 53. I Feel Old.
This past year, the year of the pandemic, is the year I grew old.
Zoom! Pow! Splash! How I Became More Productive Working at Home During a Deadly Pandemic!
I am doing number two while talking to my number one client.
New Pandemic Toys for Kids!
Speak ‘n’ Spell ‘n’ Eat or Die Spell words correctly and get a small meal-replacement treat.
Christmissed Connections
You had on a mask and a face shield. Or, after seeing you, a face chic (wink).
Love in the Time of Pandemic
I want to inhale you, smell your hair, rub my cheek against yours, hold you close and dance in the moonlight
I want to talk to you, tell you everything: the important stuff, the trivial stuff, the mind-blowing stuff, the boring stuff
I want to hold your hand, sit in silence, sip from the same glass, eat from the same plate, sleep in the same bed
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Reasons Not To Go To Your Small-Town High School Reunion
You have a conflict on that date. A moral conflict.
I Believe… [Enabling the Trump]
I believe… that the only person who benefits from protests devolving into riots and looting while being excused as somehow acceptable is Donald Trump.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Questions to Ask Yourself to Have a Great Day!
Are these the same clothes I slept in?
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Politicians Meet on Tracks to Discuss Likelihood of Trains
The politicians celebrate their victory as the train continues to run over people.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | It’s a Date! I Think. Maybe.
He sees a Luke Skywalker figurine on the shelf behind him and he moves it to the floor.
The Sacrificial Lamb and What is Worth the Slaughter? Let’s Behead Carl!
The question isn’t do we put a price on human life but what costs do we place upon it. And this is answered within a framework of context.
Our Lack of Trust is Worse Than Pandemic
“How do I quarantine without a place to fucking live?”
Didn’t We Learn Anything from The Walking Dead?
Panic, like worry and fear of the unknown, is an emotion that simply does not serve us very well.
...that being naked in your home is liberating and suddenly makes you feel better about your body.