I Believe... [More Kirk, Please]
...that while developing more Spock and less Kirk in my decision making has been for the good, I’m thinking I could use some more of that Kirk in the meantime. Being overly cautious has never been my default and while caution is smart, it doesn’t make for a good story.
I Believe... [Weed Your Mom's Garden]
...that spending a morning helping my mom clean up her extensive gardens, pulling weeds and trimming back overgrowth, and then organizing the garage as my dad sits in his chair supervising his need for order in one of his few places left is worth more than most things I do on any other given day. My mom singing nonsense songs in her pleasure at her garden and my dad’s satisfied grin as the garage comes together is gold.
I Believe... [AI is a Sex Doll]
...that AI will eventually end up simply pretending to love lonely men and women like emotional sex dolls.
I Believe... [Pretending to Work]
...that there is a clear difference between being busy and working. The first is about perception, the second about results.
I Believe... [Tap Dancing on Eggs]
...that the best response to a society hellbent on requiring the careful, nervous walk through a minefield of eggshells is to tap dance on every fucking egg.
I Believe... [Apolitical Storms?]
...that the naming of hurricanes is likely to be apolitical but c’mon, guys.
I Believe... [Human Babies Require Our Pity to Survive]
...that human babies coming out of the womb helpless and unable to walk make other animals seem superior.
I Believe... [Small but Potent]
...that four differently spiced and garnished sliders is vastly better than one full-sized hamburger.
I Believe... [Playing the Game Better]
...that the drooling MAGA crowd are a lot better at the cancel and boycott game than the Progressive Left.
I Believe... [Stop Keeping Score]
...that for those keeping score, keeping score in anything other than sports or board games is the fucking problem.
I Believe... [Childproofing Society]
...that smoothing over and correcting language is the childproofing of intellectual discourse.
I Believe... [Autonomy is a Singular Goal]
...that Himmel is completely, 100% correct when he states that marriage is a willingness to forgo autonomy. Given my almost relentless desire for autonomy, I should’ve known better…
I Believe... [In Underwear]
...that life is laundry. It’s a pain in the ass, seems completely pointless but, man, it’s grand to have a pair of clean underwear.
I Believe... [It Ain't Cultural]
...that the excuse for one’s poor behavior “it’s a cultural thing” is its own form of casual racism—being on time, respecting the time of others, and functioning for the benefit of the whole have nothing to do with culture.
I Believe... [Pride is a Costume]
...that a monster truck event at a rural state fair is just a different sort of Pride parade.
I Believe... [Examining the Self]
...that the unexamined life is not worth living (Socrates). The over-examined life is just a drag.
I Believe... [Misunderstanding the Term]
...that most people out in the world have wildly misinterpreted what the word ‘community’ means.
I Believe... [Deserve Has Nothing to Do With It]
...that the answer to the question “What did I do to deserve this?” is “You lived long enough to endure it.” Any other answer is a fairy tale or self flaggelation.
I Believe... [The Lie of Leftover Pizza]
...that no single person should ever order a large pizza with the intent of saving some for the next few days. It’s a lie you tell yourself and you will fall for it every time.
I Believe... [Dropping Names]
...that when confronted with a name-dropper, the best course of action is to counter-name drop fictional bands. “Yeah. I saw the Anal Beads in a dive bar before they became big! The lead singer of the Flaming Colonoscopy Bags once bought me a beer in between sets.”
Christmas is a time for giving, being with family and friends, and hating every other asshole out there in the shops and on the roads also trying to spread joy and share in the Christmas spirit. Similarly, Hanukkah is a time for Jewish people to desperately try to feel relevant during Christmastime.