I Believe… [Institutional Trust]
...that the absence of trust in basic societal authority is a tear in the fabric of society which makes it more essential that those in authority reach for a place of unimpeachability and transparency. Trust is lost by those with the power to abuse the contract.
I Believe… [Boiled Egg]
...that, in terms of portability, nutrition, and flavor a boiled egg is perhaps the perfect breakfast item.
I Believe… [Achilles Heel]
...that recognizing one’s Achilles heel is more about finding a compilation of weaknesses that manifest together than one tendon.
I Believe… [Jedi Haircut]
...that the moment a character uses a lightsaber to give herself a haircut was the pivot from cultural icon to Obi-Wan Fonzi jumping a tauntaun on a speeder bike.
I Believe… [Unsub]
...that I may need to date just so I can avoid the routine description of a serial killer ‘unsub’ on Criminal Minds—white male, lives alone, changes jobs frequently, antisocial. Eek.
I Believe… [In Mockery]
...that a more effective approach to shame is mockery.
I Believe…[Most Apples Are Tasty]
...that a few bad apples only spoil the barrel if you let them. Most of those apples are pretty good and tasty.
I Believe… [Pivot]
...that the secret to a successful day is the flexibility to pivot when things go sideways.
I Believe… [Laughing at Tragedy]
...that the purpose of the comedy mask is to be jeering and cracking up at the tragedy mask.
I Believe… [The Real Golden Rule]
...that treating people with the same respect you would like for yourself isn’t difficult as long as you don’t expect the same treatment in return.
I Believe… [Old Age]
...that old age as a concept has little to do with the slowing of the body and far more to do with the decay of curiosity.
I Believe… [Mullets]
...that a mullet on a man is silly but a mullet on a woman is an aggressive statement of independence and empowerment in the shadow of the patriarchy.
I Believe… [The Flipside of Grit]
...that, if grit and industry is something you respect, you have to hand it to thieves who steal catalytic converters because at least they aren’t sitting on the sidewalk with a cup.
I Believe… [Take a Walk]
...that a long walk in a neighborhood you’ve done a million things in is both a reminder of times gone by and a call for something new on old ground.
I Believe… [The Company You Keep]
...that each of us is defined in large and small ways by the people we choose to have in our lives. Be discriminating and choose wisely.
I Believe… [Superior Chips]
...that El Ranchero Chips are the single tortilla chip in the known universe.
I Believe… [Artivism?]
...that the term ‘artivism’ refers to an opportunity for mediocre artists to be embraced for their ideological stance rather than the quality of their work while be applauded for both.
I Believe... [Public Restrooms Are a Universal Good]
...that few things feel better in an existential sense than work that involves both your brain and your body, with people who respect you and have high expectations, and the presence of readily available public restrooms.
I Believe... [Minding the Curves]
...that life comes in circles and the best of us learn to really turn into the curves without spinning out.
I Believe... [Fun-Employed]
...that the feeling of leaving a job you found perfunctory on good days, incredibly dull on others, and completely odious 30% of the time is one of both liberation and lightness.
Christmas is a time for giving, being with family and friends, and hating every other asshole out there in the shops and on the roads also trying to spread joy and share in the Christmas spirit. Similarly, Hanukkah is a time for Jewish people to desperately try to feel relevant during Christmastime.